SCW Kick-off Meeting
Wisconsin Surgical Society Annual Conference
November 3, 2017
12:00 noon – 2:00 PM
General Session Room
Please join us at the SCW Kick-off Meeting to learn more about our vision, mission, and proposed first projects. Attendees will also have an opportunity to meet the SCW Coordinating Center team, ask questions, and receive a packect of information to share with surgical colleagues and hospital administrators.
We recommend that attendees attending the WSS meeting register for the buffet lunch, which will be served outside the general session room. Additional meal tickets will be available for those who are not attending the full WSS meeting or who did not register for the lunch beforehand.
Please RSVP by e-mail to info@scwisconsin.org.
A. Overview
- National Surgical Quality Improvement Initiatives (David Hoyt, American Colleges of Surgeons)
- History of Quality Improvement Initiatives within the Wisconsin Surgical Society (Gordon Telford and Dean Klinger, Medical College of Wisconsin)
- The Need in Wisconsin (Steven Kappes, Aurora Health Care)
B. Vision for SCW
- Overview of the collaborative (Caprice Greenberg, University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Data Infrastructure (Jessica Schumacher, University of Wisconsin-Madison)
C. Proposed First Projects
- Decreasing the need for re-operation following breast-conserving surgery (Jeffrey Landercasper, Gundersen Health System)
- Broad implementation of ERAS to improve colon cancer care (Elise Lawson, University of Wisconsin-Madison)